SlotQuestAdventures is committed to the protection of our players and promoting responsible socialgameplay as a policy of player care and social responsibility. We believe it is our shared responsibility with you, our user, to ensure that you enjoy yourexperience on our site while remaining aware of the potential risks that can be associated with online gameplay if you don’t remain in control. We encourage you to use the responsible social gameplay tools described below available at your disposal. To ensure that you enjoy fun and affordable play, we fully support responsible social gameplayand have put measures in place to assist users who wish to control their play. We reservethe right to activate these measures unilaterally if, in our sole discretion, we consider themnecessary.
1. This Responsible Social Gameplay Policy (RSG Policy) describes the control tools,information and resources available to registered players on SlotQuestAdventures.
1.2. This RSG Policy forms part of the SlotQuestAdventures Terms of Service. Terms which aredefined in the Terms of Service have the same meaning in this RSG Policy.
1.3. We may update the RSG Policy at any time. Any amendments will be published on the site and such changes will be binding and effective immediately.
1.4. Whenever we amend this RSG Policy in a way that would limit your current rights or which may be detrimental, we will notify you upon your next visit to the site and youwill be required to re -confirm your acceptance prior to playing any Games. If you do notagree to the amended RSG Policy, you must stop using the site.
2.1. The SlotQuestAdventures Responsible Social Gameplay Program (RSG Program) is centered around our guiding principles of providing our users with control tools,information and help resources needed to: (a)Make an informed decision in gameplay(b)Prevent problem gameplay from occurring on our site.
2.2. The RSG Program is designed to support the needs of individuals at any stage of the users journey, from registration to redemption, and any level of gameplay. To do this,the RSG Program offers a range of player education, control tools and resources forprofessional help when needed.
2.3. SlotQuestAdventures also understands that it is a shared responsibility to achieve a fun and affordable gameplay environment and that it is ultimately an individual’s choice to play.We do not provide counseling services nor do we police users behavior. Instead, wefocus on providing control tools and informing, educating and supporting informed decisions.
2.4. SlotQuestAdventures has well-trained staff available to assist you in relation to yourgameplay. Our staff are encouraged and empowered to provide information and offercontrol tools proactively.
If you think your or someone else’s computer gameplay is becoming problematic, then it may be handy to consider the self-assessment questions available Here .
If your gameplay may have had, or is at risk of having, a negative impact on your mentalhealth, finances or relationships with friends or family, we encourage you to get in touch with the following help and support organizations:
(a) Counseling
5.1. Principles of Gameplay
(a) Randomness: Remember that game round outcomes are completely random.Results cannot be predicted and are independent of past or future outcomes.
(b) Return to Player (RTP): This is the average return on the winnings and prizesover the lifetime of a slot-type game. I.e., if a slot type has an 8% advantage, then the average RTP will be 92%.
(c) Advantage: All casino-type games are designed with a slight advantage thatfavors the operator.
5.2.Common Misconceptions
(a) “I’m due for a win” - You cannot predict when you're going to win. All outcomesare random.
(b) “I always win with my lucky charm and pre-game ritual” - Although they might be fun, charms and rituals don’t affect your chances of winning. All outcomes arerandom.
(c) “The longer I play, the more chance I’ll win” - Time spent has no effect on yourchances of winning. All outcomes are random.
(d) “These games have been rigged” - The Random Number Generator (RNG) usedin all SlotQuestAdventures games is the same code base as the RNG independentlycertified by iTechLabs and Gaming Associates, who confirmed that the RNG usesa well-known algorithm to generate random numbers. The numbers generated by the RNG have passed Marsaglia's "diehard" tests for statistical randomness.iTech Labs and Gaming Associates have found that number sequences areunpredictable, non-repeatable, and uniformly distributed.
5.3. Tips for Safe Gameplay
- Avoid gameplay while upset or emotional.
- Take frequent breaks during your gameplay sessions.
- Avoid gameplay while intoxicated.
-Avoid canceling redemptions.
- Remember that gameplay is only a form of entertainment, it should not be seenas a source of income or an escape from reality.
- Set a time limit before playing.
- Understand how games work before playing and remember that the results arerandom.
- Never let gameplay affect your employment, relationships, health or commitments.
6.1 Protection of the vulnerable
(a) Make sure that the decision to play on our site is your own personal choiceand responsibility.
(b) We do not recommend playing on our site if you:
(i) are being treated or are in recovery for an addiction/dependency
(ii) are under the influence of alcohol or any other substance
(iii)are currently experiencing financial difficulty or a traumatic life event
(iv) do not understand how to play the Games
(v) have any mental health concerns, cognitive impairment or brain injury.
6.2.Protection of Minors
(a) SlotQuestAdventures has identity checks in place to mitigate and prevent the risk of underage gameplay on our site.
(b) If you share your mobile phone, tablet, laptop or computer with friends or family who are under the legal age to participate in online social gameplay, werecommend that you restrict their access to our site by using one of thebelow services:
(i) Netnanny - filtering software that protects children from inappropriateweb content.
(ii) Cybersitter - filtering software that allows parents to add their ownsites to block.